Share Your Own Words with Your Child!

Share Your Own Words with Your Child!
These gloriously-illustrated board books are designed to make learning a new word an experience to be cherished. Mison Kim’s jewel-like images invite children to discover and play. Each page turn opens on a whole world of possibilities that can make meaningful differences for developing a child’s visual and verbal sensibilities. The magic of language is more than just pointing and naming—it’s sharing. Share more of your world with your child. Open a Dooleyglot book and find out what you can find together.
Mison Kim’s Dooleyglot books use visual priming to help young children engage with context. The right side of the spread is designed to present an object isolated in space—like most first-words books. On the left side, the same object is surrounded by an exciting, detailed, color-drenched environment. This provokes interaction with the image, as well as interaction between caregivers and children as they discover shapes, colors, and different views of the object, together.
We had a wonderful time at the fabulous Riverstone Bookstore in McCandless township. Mison read books with children, made puzzles, played games. These very bright children are seen here solving a large-scale FRUITS blocks puzzle.
Our Goal ~ The books, toys, and games presented hereare designed to be used together to help children reach learning and language milestones. By stimulating the inherent visual curiosity of young children, while providing caregivers the tools to use more quality words, we focus on developing skills such as: Manding (asking for things), Tacting (naming), Listener Responding, Visual Perceptual, Independent Play, Social Play, Motor Imitation, Echoic Language. We would love to prtner with an educational publisher/packager to develop these products further. This is just a start.